Анимационные 2D/3D ролики (CG) / 2022

The promos for the sushi restaurant Mnogo Lososya were a real test of endurance for our creative team. And an important lesson for the future: dozens of rejected options are no reason to give up. We will search for a solution with the customer for as long as it takes - as long as we reach mutual understanding and the best result.

As a result we could successfully latch on to one of the restaurant's specialties - a menu for cats with a special spice of catnip. The main character of the campaign was a cartoon cat, appearing as a delivery man and as a ninja hunting for the treats on the table. That’s how a charming and memorable mascot appeared, capable of attracting audiences of all ages as a result.

In order to keep within a limited budget, it was necessary to choose an effective and inexpensive format for the videos. This is where our experience from video games came to aid, because animated ‘live comics’ are often used there as cutscenes. We take the best from any media!

But from now on, when we want to give our kitties a treat, we know that Mnogo Lososya will always come to the rescue!

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