The task was to make a set of pre rolls for the furniture store MEBELVIA. Its main thing is its own assembly of cabinet furniture to order with delivery in one day. So we went to the manufacturer to acquaint ourselves with the work in detail.

After a walk through all the workshops, the question with the format was resolved by itself. As a basis we chose the genre of ‘industrial porn’, which is gaining huge views on TikTok and Shorts — the viewer is shown in detail how all kinds of stuff is actually produced: clothes are sewn, ice cream is made... Or how furniture is assembled.

Why is it called that? Well, you can imagine for yourself: the fabric slowly slides on the wooden body, buttons are tightly driven into the cloth, the drill cuts into a sheet of plywood, soaring up a shower of wood shavings... Thrilling spectacle! But to create this kind of video, colorful materials alone are not enough. Otherwise you could just take a set of recordings from surveillance cameras at the factory.

We approach the editing of the final cut as responsibly as they assemble furniture, so that every screw fits into place. Dynamic editing paired with a rhythmic soundtrack create the very magic that attracts you to the screen. 

Attention to detail, final touches, polishing... And the finished product comes out without a hitch!

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