Mel Science


Mel Science creates a unique product — science kits for teenagers and amateurs, allowing them to conduct chemical experiments at home. A vivid example of that science consists of not only boring formulas and calculations, but also fun. This is what we tried to reflect in a series of vibrantly colored videos in the manner of promotional videos by Apple.

We had to find not only a suitable mini-laboratory for the experiments, but also a robot that would perform all the experiments while a cheerful audience watched them from a safe distance. To keep within the budget, we rented a robot, which used to collect cars, and converted it to our needs — experimental work requires an experimental approach!

We almost had a disaster on the set, but for completely different reasons. When shooting a video in slow motion at a thousand frames per second it is very important to keep the image in focus. In the process, it turned out that the person responsible for this was not up to the task. We had to urgently look for a replacement and reshoot everything.

The shift was noticeably extended in addition to everything being filmed in summer, in a cramped room, full with powerful lamps needed for proper lighting. Everyone sweated to the thread. But science requires sacrifice! Tired but satisfied, we delivered everything on time, receiving the customer's approval and invaluable experience, which from now on allows us to produce any scientific content.

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