Имиджевые рекламные видеоролики (OLV/TVC) / 2022

03/28/23. Somewhere in Taganka, Moscow. 

– Hello, Misha. They’ve approved the video!

Tula pryanik is not just a brand, it’s a historical phenomenon. In 2022 we’ve received an order to make a video that reflects the values of the product, comically including Russian folklore characters and modern interface graphics.

We’ve accepted this curious task and enthusiastically started to work. Through difficulties, daily communication with the client and even burnout, we’ve reached the top. There were not only live actors, but even a real horse tailored in funny clothes. 

More than a hundred people have worked on the set that day, with full construction, decorations, a large table, pryaniki, actors, extras. We’ve put all our efforts into creating this video, and got even more in return - client's gratitude and a thrill from the result. 

The client deserves utmost respect — they were in touch with us 24/7 in terms of coordination and budgeting. They were always ready to talk everything over and we were always ready to revise and edit, even on the verge of a deadline.

Without further adieu we can say:

– Fellas, Pryanik is ready, let’s move on!